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Attorneys’ Fees: The Best Divorce Advice Comes From Chicago Divorce Lawyer

Where do you think you will get the best attorney fee advice when contemplating or going through a divorce? The simple answer is the Chicago divorce lawyers of WARD FAMILY LAW, who have decades of matrimonial and family law experience with top ratings on various platforms and the knowledge and advice that clients need and want.

Family law attorneys are oftentimes asked how much it will cost and the best answer is that cost is entirely determined by the client since divorce attorneys are paid in increments of time that they actually work on a case, which time is diligently logged and invoiced. The time allotted to a case varies based upon the course of action taken in the case such as settlement versus litigation, mediation, collaboration, financial review and analysis, client cooperation and countless other factors. The divorce lawyers often suggest that to keep costs down, clients need to consider talk therapy, mediation, full financial disclosure at the onset of the case and ongoing participation and responsiveness in the case.

A Chicago divorce can be costly, as most people know, with each side expected to spend an average of $15,500 (according to Nolo), while an experienced divorce attorney will tell you that some couples spend substantially more while others spend substantially less, which is completely true. By being an active participant in your own case and reviewing your monthly invoices, responding to attorney inquiry in a reasonable amount of time, compiling and completing information and documentation requested and heeding the advice of your family law attorney you can help in keeping the costs down.

For additional guidance and a team of Chicago divorce lawyers to fit your needs, reach out to us at WARD FAMILY LAW, LLC for an initial consultation.



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