
Prenuptial Agreement Attorneys Chicago

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Prenuptial Agreement Attorneys Chicago

While prenuptial agreements have had some bad press, the truth of the matter is that a prenup can play an important role in helping to take some of the pressure off in the event of divorce. Prenuptial agreements are nothing more than legal contracts that both parties enter into willingly that guides how certain issues will be resolved upon divorce. If you have questions or concerns regarding a prenuptial agreement, an experienced prenuptial agreement attorney in Chicago is standing by to help. 

Prenuptial Agreements

In Illinois, in order for your prenuptial agreement to be valid, you will need to keep several factors in mind, including :

  • Your prenuptial agreement must be a written document that is signed by both you and the person you are marrying. 
  • Your prenuptial agreement must have a comprehensive list of both parties’ assets and debts (such lists speak to both parties having full knowledge regarding the other’s financials). 

The kinds of issues that commonly render prenuptial agreements unenforceable include:

  • One spouse signed the agreement under duress.
  • The terms are against public policy.
  • The spouse whom the prenup favors failed to disclose all of his or her assets and/or debts prior to signing.
  • The spouse who was not aware of the other’s financial information did not waive the right to receive it.

The Terms Addressed

Your prenuptial agreement can address all the following important terms of a potential divorce:

  • How your marital property will be addressed
  • How individual or non-marital property will be addressed
  • How the issue of alimony, which is known as maintenance in Illinios, will be addressed
  • Attorneys’ Fees
  • Debts

It is important to note, however, that there are also matters that cannot be addressed in a prenuptial agreement, including:

  • Parental responsibilities: both parenting time and decision-making for minor children
  • Child support 

An Experienced Prenuptial Agreement Attorney in Chicago Can Help

When a prenuptial agreement is well-considered and skillfully drafted, it can help protect your financial rights, and the capable prenuptial agreement attorneys at WARD FAMILY LAW in Chicago have the experience and legal savvy you’re looking for. To learn more, please don’t wait to contact us today.

Our dedicated team of lawyers, paralegals, and staff provides reliable guidance and support
every step of the way.

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