
Uncontested Divorce Lawyer Chicago

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Uncontested Divorce Lawyer Chicago

If you are facing a divorce, you are facing a lot of negotiations and decision-making. If you and your divorcing spouse both agree that a divorce is right for you and agree on the terms that apply, you can save yourself considerable time, heartache, and expense by pursuing an uncontested divorce with an uncontested divorce lawyer in Chicago. 

Is an Uncontested Divorce Right for You?

Generally, uncontested divorces are a great option for couples who don’t have minor children at home and whose marital property is limited. Even, however, if your divorce is more complicated, an uncontested divorce may work for you. If the following apply to your situation, pursuing an uncontested divorce is a good bet:

  • You are both motivated to obtain an uncontested divorce. 
  • You are both willing to make compromises, negotiate fairly, and remain transparent throughout the divorce process to ensure that you are on the same page in regards to your settlement terms and allocation of any debts or assets.  
  • You either currently agree on the terms of your divorce, or there isn’t significant distance between your positions and you can reach a mutual agreement. 

In other words, if you’re both committed to the process of obtaining an uncontested divorce, it’s likely a good fit for you. 

How It Works

In an uncontested divorce, one of you will file for divorce (the petitioner), and the other party can accept service of the paperwork or will have to be served with summons. Then, documents can be prepared that will include the final terms of your divorce (that you and your soon-to-be-ex have agreed upon). While an uncontested divorce requires less legal guidance than a complicated and contentious divorce, you are well-advised to work closely with an experienced uncontested divorce lawyer as there is still significant paperwork that must be prepared and presented to the court to conclude the case. 

This can help ensure that your parental and financial rights are well protected and guide the legal process, which can be quite complicated in and of itself. It’s important to note, however, that the lawyer who does the filing represents only the petitioner, and if this isn’t you, having your own uncontested divorce lawyer – whose focus is on your rights – is in your best interests. 

 A Few Final Points

Even if you and your divorcing spouse have not agreed to every detail of your divorce terms, it does not mean that an uncontested divorce is out of reach. If you’re both invested in achieving an uncontested divorce, your respective lawyers can help you get there. Finally, even if you and your soon-to-be-ex see eye to eye on every term, the matter isn’t finalized until you both sign on the dotted line, and the emotion and upset of divorce can quickly turn up the heat. Having a dedicated uncontested divorce lawyer on board can help keep things moving forward as smoothly as possible. 

Turn to the Professional Legal Guidance of an Experienced Uncontested Divorce Lawyer in Chicago Today

The trusted uncontested divorce lawyers at WARD FAMILY LAW in Chicago are committed to employing their impressive skill and experience in pursuit of an uncontested divorce that works for you. To learn more, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.



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