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The Do’s & Don’ts: Divorce and Social Media

If you’re going through a divorce, you may wonder what possible role social media could play, and you may be surprised to learn that the answer is plenty. Many of us turn to social media to connect, vent, share, and record our lives on a day-to-day or even on an hour-to-hour basis, and if you don’t understand the do’s and don’ts as they relate to divorce, it can negatively impact the outcome of yours. Turn to an experienced Chicago divorce attorney for the help you’re looking for. 

Don’t Allow Social Media to Distort Your Expectations Regarding Marriage

People turn to social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to share snapshots from their marriages, but you shouldn’t believe everything that you read. These edited and curated views of other people’s marriages are just that – edited and curated – and are not something you should use to gauge your own relationship. 

Do Assess Your Own Marriage within the Context of Your Own Expectations

If your marriage isn’t living up to your expectations, it’s time to take a closer look. Calling it quits at the first hint of discord or dissatisfaction, however, isn’t a great strategy. Availing yourself of the resources available to you – such as in the form of marriage counseling or counseling provided through your place of worship – may help you gain a better perspective and save your marriage. 

Don’t Buy into What Others Are Selling

People post on social media according to an agenda that correlates with racking up likes, which means that bending the bonds of reality is common. By keeping this in mind whenever you partake, you help to ensure that jealousy or a fear of missing out doesn’t color your decisions as they relate to your marriage. 

Do Keep All the Following in Mind

If you are preparing to file for divorce or if you already have, it is important to keep all the following primary points in mind:

  • Anything you post can – and very likely will – come back to haunt your divorce case. 
  • Even innocent pictures of you out having fun can be misconstrued to mean that you’re irresponsible, not committed to your responsibilities as a parent, are a spendthrift, or both.
  • Venting about your soon-to-be ex can work against you in terms of your child custody arrangements. One of the best interest factors the courts turn to when determining parenting time schedules is the degree to which each parent is invested in supporting the other’s ongoing relationship with the children.

It’s important to also keep in mind that your divorcing spouse’s social media posts are fair game in terms of defending your financial and parental rights. 

Make the Call to an Experienced Chicago Divorce Attorney Today

The practiced Chicago divorce attorneys at WARD FAMILY LAW recognize how important the terms of your divorce are to you and your children and are committed to skillfully advocating for your case’s best possible resolution. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information today.



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