
The Top 5 Reasons Couples get Divorced

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The Top 5 Reasons Couples get Divorced

I am often asked the question, “What is the main reason that couples divorce?” Well, here is the simple, yet complicated, answer:

  • Money. Whether it is a constant disagreement or an underlying current of frustration, a spendthrift versus a saver, money is a huge factor in many divorces. Surprisingly, parties who “have” money have the same or similar issues and arguments as parties who “don’t have” money. Work together in creating budgets, timelines and monthly expenditures while also setting aside funds for emergencies and other unexpected situations.
  • Lack of Communication. Whether in business or your personal life, communication is a key component to success. Make sure to continue to dialog about the simple day-to-day things but also check-in with your partner about their over-all satisfaction with life. Date nights are always a good idea to get you out of the house, away from chores, television, internet and other distractions that can really limit your interactions.
  • Disconnect Physically. When one or both parties stop ensuring that there is a physical connection, even on the smallest level such as hand-holding, then one or both parties can quickly become dissatisfied with the lack of feeling “connected.” Make time to meet your partners’ physical needs to ensure that connection stays in place for the long haul.
  • Disconnect Emotionally. Similar to the physical aspect, one or both parties often needs to feel “heard” and emotionally supported. Whether it is a long day at work or the loss of a parent, being there and being present to hear, comfort, console and support your partner is a key component in a successful relationship.
  • Infidelity.There are so many versions of infidelity in this day and age with emotional and/or physical affairs that the bottom line is for many couples, this is a deal breaker.

I have exclusively practiced in the matrimonial and family law field for 15 years and I would argue that in my experience, these are the top 5 reasons why couples get divorced. While the reasons may seem broad and simple on their face, they are just some of the many factors, reasons and issues that arise in marriages that can and do lead to divorce. If you are contemplating divorce, seek professional help and guidance through licensed therapists and attorneys in this field.

Jennifer R. Ward has an undergraduate degree from the University of Missouri – Columbia in Journalism and is the founder of WARD FAMILY LAW, LLC. Ms. Ward was admitted to the Illinois bar in 2002 and continues to exclusively practice matrimonial and family law in the Chicagoland area. Additionally, Ms. Ward has been Adjunct Faculty at University of Illinois – Chicago School of Law (formerly known as The John Marshall Law School) since 2005 and teaches family law legal drafting to law students in a Legal Writing program that U.S. News and World Report ranked as #5 in the Country. Ms. Ward also had the honor of speaking at the “Leaving a Long-Term Marriage” workshop produced by The Lilac Tree, an Evanston-based not-for-profit resource for women contemplating divorce.

You can find Jennifer R. Ward, Founder of WARD FAMILY LAW, LLC at www.wardfamilylawchicago.com or you can follow her on Facebook @WardFamilyLaw, Instagram @divorcerer, Google Plus @Wardfamilylawchicago and Twitter @WardFamLawIL

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