
Category Archives: Paternity & Parentage

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Methods for Establishing Parentage in Illinois

Methods for Establishing Parentage in Illinois

When a child’s parents are married at the time of their birth, the child’s legal parents are both established automatically, which can lead to significant rights and responsibilities for both…

Who are the Key Players in Chicago Divorce? The Guardian Ad Litem, Child Representative, Parenting Coordinator, and Mediator

Who are the Key Players in Chicago Divorce? The Guardian Ad Litem, Child Representative, Parenting Coordinator, and Mediator

When you begin to engage in a case within the Cook County Domestic Relations Division, whether it is a Chicago divorce case or a parentage case, you automatically assume there…

Traveling with Minor Children During a Divorce/Parentage Action

Traveling with Minor Children During a Divorce/Parentage Action

With the world opening back up and traveling becoming more popular than ever, many parents are looking into planning vacations with their children. While this can be a new and…

College Educational Costs for Parents of Chicago Divorces

College Educational Costs for Parents of Chicago Divorces

With high school graduations across the country happening this week, it is no surprise that families of Chicago divorce cases are contemplating the start of college in the Fall and the…

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