
Category Archives: Marital Property and Non-Marital Property

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Valuations, Appraisals, and Determinations of Property and Assets in Chicago Divorce Cases

Valuations, Appraisals, and Determinations of Property and Assets in Chicago Divorce Cases

May 2022

It is not surprising that when parties are proceeding with a divorce there usually remain items that the parties are unable to agree to - in either determining…

How Losing “Marital Privilege” Can Impact Your Finances after Divorce

How Losing “Marital Privilege” Can Impact Your Finances after Divorce

April 2022

There are specific financial benefits to being married that are considered marital privileges, and upon divorce, these are forfeited. While understanding the financial advantages is beneficial, these so-called…

Medical Insurance, Costs and Coverage in Chicago Divorce Cases

Medical Insurance, Costs and Coverage in Chicago Divorce Cases

March 2022

Medical insurance coverage and costs during and after the divorce process is a crucial item to discuss with your divorce attorney. First and foremost, the medical insurance coverage…

Divorce Finance Allocation is All in the Details

Divorce Finance Allocation is All in the Details

March 2022

Medical insurance coverage and costs during and after the divorce process is a crucial item to discuss with your divorce attorney. First and foremost, the medical insurance coverage…

How Is a Professional Practice Impacted by Divorce?

How Is a Professional Practice Impacted by Divorce?

March 2022

There are many issues that can further complicate the already-complicated divorce process, but a professional practice can be one of the most challenging. If you are facing a…

Why People Liquidate Assets: Debt, Death, and Divorce 

Why People Liquidate Assets: Debt, Death, and Divorce 

February 2022

The three “D” notion is nothing new. The main reason that people liquidate their assets are typically due to debt, death, or divorce. So, let’s talk divorce and…

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