
Chicago divorce lawyers discuss the “uncontested divorce” or “amicable divorce”?

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The team of family law attorneys at WARD FAMILY LAW, LLC are presented with the same inquiries of many prospective clients, which is whether or not their divorce is actually an uncontested divorce or if they are just cooperative, friendly and amicable but still have some issues to resolve in their divorce process.

An uncontested divorce occurs when the parties have no disagreements whatsoever about any aspect of the divorce; there is a mutual agreement and understanding of the division and allocation of all assets and debts, child support, contribution to child-related expenses, maintenance (also known as spousal support), health insurance coverage and costs, parenting time, decision-making, on and on. If there is not a full and complete mutual agreement on everything then the divorce is not considered to be an uncontested divorce in Illinois.

However, just because you may not have an uncontested divorce does not mean that you can’t have an amicable divorce. That is the key. By hiring the right Chicago divorce lawyer for your circumstance, the family law firm team will provide you with the expertise and advice concerning issues related to divorce proceedings, including, for example, division of marital property, liability for joint debts, child custody and support, spousal maintenance, insurance benefits, and enforcement of the provisions of the divorce judgment that deal with these issues. Without a family law attorney in your corner, you may risk losing certain rights stemming from the marital relationship that are not readily apparent to a person who is not an attorney and is not well-versed in the legal implications and rights of parties.

Reach out to the Chicago divorce lawyers of WARD FAMILY LAW, LLC to walk with you through this process of uncontested divorce, contested divorce, mediation, collaboration, settlement or litigation.

Our dedicated team of lawyers, paralegals, and staff provides reliable guidance and support
every step of the way.

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