
Divorce Attorney in Chicago

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Divorce Attorney in Chicago

If you are facing a divorce, you are facing many questions and unknown variables, and that’s perfectly normal. The fact is that the matters you resolve in your divorce will play a critical role in your future and in your children’s future. While you are very likely feeling overwhelmed at the moment, a dedicated divorce attorney in Chicago can help you find your best path forward – as he or she skillfully advocates for divorce terms that support you and your children’s best interests. 

Child Custody Arrangements

In any divorce that involves children, the child custody arrangements (called parenting or parental responsibilities in Illinois) tend to be both parents’ primary concern – for obvious reasons. Child custody breaks down into both legal and physical custody in the following way:

  •  Legal Custody – Legal custody refers to what is now called decision-making responsibilities which entails who will be making important decisions in your children’s’ lives, including decisions about education, religious upbringing, health care, and extracurriculars. Legal custody, as we now call it decision-making responsibilities, can be either joint or sole.
  • Physical Custody – Physical custody refers to whom the children live with for their designated parenting time. Because the courts base all of their decisions that relate to children’s welfare on the children’s best interests and believe that children fare better when they maintain a relationship with both parents, it is rare for a parent not to receive a visitation schedule of some sort, which is now the allocation of parenting time between the parties.

Child Support – Both parents are financially responsible for raising their children to adulthood, and child support is the payment tool that helps to keep this financial responsibility balanced across both parents’ financial means. Child support is based on state calculation guidelines, but the court has considerable discretion in the matter – especially when extenuating circumstances are involved. There are also typically contributions to other child-related expenses such as health insurance coverage and costs, extracurricular activities and sports, tuition and many other additional items to consider for the support of the children.

The Division of Marital Property – The property and assets that you and your spouse amass during the course of your marriage will be divided in a way that is intended to fairly address your unique circumstances upon divorce. 

Alimony – What you probably call alimony is called spousal support or maintenance in Illinois, and it refers to payments (usually temporary) that are made by one spouse with greater financial resources to the other – if he or she will experience a financial need post-divorce. Alimony allows you to help balance a financial discrepancy between you and your ex post-divorce. 

The Terms of Your Divorce

Each and every one of the terms of your divorce can prove important to your future, and this is why obtaining the professional legal guidance you need now is so critical. Waiting to see how things pan out after the fact is very unlikely to further you and your children’s best interests. 

Consult with an Experienced Divorce Attorney in Chicago Today

If a divorce is on your horizon, the dedicated divorce attorneys at WARD FAMILY LAW in Chicago are committed to helping you address the issues directly and to skillfully negotiating on behalf of your parental and financial rights. To learn more, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.



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