
Divorce Law Firm Chicago

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Divorce Law Firm Chicago

Divorce is an obstacle that is difficult to face, and that can be even more difficult to come through with all of your parental and financial rights intact. Fortunately, a well-established divorce law firm in Chicago can help you out with this process. 

Considering the Terms of Your Divorce

The terms of every divorce incorporate the same basic issues (as applicable), including:

You want to reach an agreement between you and your spouse on relevant terms whenever possible and ensure that your agreement is in line with Illinois divorce laws. 

Dividing Your Assets Fairly

Upon divorce in the State of Illinois, your marital assets will be divided equitably, which means the intention is that they will be divided fairly after all of the involved circumstances are taken into careful consideration. Marital assets refer to that property and those other things of value that you obtained while married. Who made the purchase and whose name is on the documentation is not necessarily a factor in determining whether an asset is marital or separate (those assets you brought into the marriage with you). This division can become exceptionally complicated, and you’re well-advised to work closely with an experienced divorce lawyer throughout the process. 

Considering Your Parental Responsibilities and Parenting Time

Divorce terms that involve your children directly are naturally a major concern for most parents, and figuring out a plan that you and your divorcing spouse can agree upon can quickly become challenging. In Illinois, parental responsibilities are those that relate to the important decisions parents make on behalf of their children, including:

  • Decisions regarding their education
  • Decisions regarding their health care
  • Decisions regarding their religious education
  • Decisions regarding their extracurricular activities

Parenting responsibilities can be either joint or sole.

Parenting time references the schedule by which your children share their time between the two of you. Your parenting time schedule can follow a common state template, can adopt your own unique scheduling approach, or can do anything in between. If you and your children’s other parent can reach an agreement, the court will almost certainly assent to the arrangements therein. 

While it is possible for parenting time to be assigned to one parent only, it doesn’t happen unless it’s warranted by fairly extreme circumstances, such as an abusive parent. The court makes such determinations with the children’s best interests in mind, and the court’s baseline opinion is that children are better served when they have a visitation plan that involves both parents.  

Seek Professional Legal Counsel from an Impressive Divorce Law Firm in Chicago

Divorce is far too significant an event in you and your children’s lives to go it alone. The accomplished lawyers at WARD FAMILY LAW – a reputable divorce law firm in Chicago – are well prepared to craft your strongest case in pursuit of divorce terms that favor you and your children. We’re here to help, so please don’t hesitate to contact us in order to learn more today.

Our dedicated team of lawyers, paralegals, and staff provides reliable guidance and support
every step of the way.

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