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The Divorcerer Speaks: Top 5 Tips to Prepare for the Post-Holiday Divorce Surge

For many couples, waiting to get through the year-end holiday season to file for divorce is a last-ditch effort to get along through the holidays and have one last family celebration for the sake of everyone else. If you are one of those couples delaying your divorce filing, then prepare accordingly:

  1. Maintain the status quo. Avoid changes to your parenting or finances.
  1. Consult with and obtain a lawyer now. Whether for ongoing legal counseling or guidance in regards to the many inquiries you have, it is always better to have immediate access to the legal advice you need rather than scrambling to get it last-minute if something were to go awry.
  1. Prepare your finances. Begin compiling documentation and information in regards to your financials so that you are educated on your income, assets and liabilities.
  1. Keep emotions in-check. The holidays are already a highly-emotional time without the added pressure of the inevitable divorce filing coming in January. Make sure you remain self-aware of how you are dealing with the added pressure and if you are not coping well, consider starting individual therapy to help you through this difficult time.
  1. Keep the children out of it. If you are deciding to delay a divorce filing, then you should also be aware that the children may know that something is not right. Couples should work toward a united front and decide together what, if anything, should be communicated to the children. The bottom line is: keep the children out of it.

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