The Divorcerer Speaks: Top 5 Tips to Prepare for the Post-Holiday Divorce Surge For many couples, waiting to get through the year-end holiday season to file for divorce…
The Divorcerer Speaks: Bird Nesting for Co-Parenting in Divorce What is Bird Nesting? It is a co-parenting, child-centered method that allows the child to remain in the “family…
The Divorcerer Speaks:Legal Trend in Illinois Maintenance Laws, also known as Alimony and Spousal Support Alimony. Spousal Support. Maintenance. These terms are thrown around, oftentimes, with very little…
The Divorcerer Speaks: Top 5 Reasons to Hire a Divorce Attorney Often times, friends and prospective clients alike ask the question, “Why do I need to hire a…
The Divorcerer Speaks: Divorcing and Dating "Top 7 Tips" Men and women in the midst of a divorce can attest that some of the hardest parts of divorcing…
The Divorcerer Speaks: Back to School's Top 7 Tips to Transition Back Into a Routine For many families, back to school means the end of the summer schedule…
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