
Category Archives: Marital Property and Non-Marital Property

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Dissipation in Chicago Divorce: using marital funds for non-marital purposes

Dissipation in Chicago Divorce: using marital funds for non-marital purposes

October 2019

Division of marital property is an expected part of divorce. During the marriage, parties accumulate marital assets and marital liabilities, and these must all be allocated to one…

The Aftermath of Chicago Divorce

The Aftermath of Chicago Divorce

October 2019

If you are contemplating a divorce or are in the beginning stages of a pending divorce, you are likely looking forward to the end of the process but…

Chicago Divorce and Property Division

Chicago Divorce and Property Division

September 2019

“She took him to the cleaners!” “He got everything, left her without a penny!” “…and she got half of his business!” Chicago Divorce and Property Division Without a…

Chicago Divorce Lawyers Discuss the Financial Affidavit

Chicago Divorce Lawyers Discuss the Financial Affidavit

August 2019

Obtaining full and complete financial disclosure by both sides is a key component to the family law practice. It allows both sides to acknowledge a full understanding and…

Chicago Divorce Lawyers: Top 7 Hidden Costs in Divorce

Chicago Divorce Lawyers: Top 7 Hidden Costs in Divorce

August 2019

When people are contemplating divorce, they are often considering the cost, including retainer fees for law firms, filing fees for the court, expert fees and how they want…

Chicago Divorce Lawyers Tackle the Steps to Keep Your House in a Divorce

Chicago Divorce Lawyers Tackle the Steps to Keep Your House in a Divorce

July 2019

For many families, the main asset in their divorce is their house. Oftentimes, the house is also the main liability. While some parties simply agree to sell the…

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